More about me

Post # 1: Cooking? Piece of cake…

Hello world!

Like most other food bloggers, I love food. All sorts of food, but mainly fresh, colourful, leafy, juicy food. (Fruit and veg and the like). Oh, and chocolate. Like most other food bloggers, I’ve created this writing space to share my love for food. Like many other food bloggers, I spend my spare time browsing blogs, skimming recipes, reading the remarks and learning the passions of other internet addicts. But in one perhaps rather important way I am not like most other food bloggers. In fact, I’m hiding a deep, dark, soul-destroying secret that, once shared, may very well result in you clicking off my page before you can think “crab beet” (apparently an alternative term for Swiss chard for those of you who don’t pathetically spend your afternoons browsing the history of leafy superfoods). My secret is….I can’t really cook. At least not very well. I do know a little bit about food (I think I can tell my gorgonzola from my roquefort) but I am in the fresh stages of learning the technicalities of  jointing and butterflying; tempering and blind-baking; filleting and de-bearding (yes, that really is a term for preparing mussels!). But I’m determined to improve! And so I invite you on my journey where I start with easy-peasy lemon-squeezy (perhaps literally) snacks, and gradually move (I hope) onto the more majestic morsels of the culinary world.

Bonne santé mes amis!


Image: Wikimedia Commons
